Getting Started With GemJar

Introduction: Welcome to GemJar, a powerful tool designed to streamline your testing and automation processes . Whether you're a seasoned engineer or new to automation testing, this guide will help you get up and running your automation with GemJar quickly and efficiently. 

Creating Your First Test 

Follow these steps to get started: 

 Getting started with Cucumber 

1. Setting up the project: 

Create a simple Maven/Gradle Project Using Any IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for example IntelliJ, Eclipse, etc. 

  1. Adding dependency to pom.xml:
    Add latest GemJar Dependency  

Add the GemJar dependency into your project: – 







  1. Creating the config file:
    Create a gemjar-config.yml file in the resources folder.

environment: beta 
project_name: Demo_Project 
jewel_user: user_name 
jewel_bridge_token: bridge_token 
report_name: Demo_Report 
email_report: Y/N 
email_to: email_id 
email_cc: email_id 
console_report: Y/N 
event_firing: Y/N 
jewel_screen_shots: Y/N 
auto_kill: Y/N 
tags: ‘@cucumber_tag’ 
glue_code: package path of step definitions 
gemheal: Y/N 
  – “–incognito” 
  – “–headless” 
  browser_name: chrome 
  launch_url: application_url 
  browser_name: edge 
  launch_url: application_url 
    azure_project: project_name 
    azure_pat_token: token 
      – Bug Fixed 
    azure_assigned_to: email_id 
    azure_testcase_flag: Y/N 

  jira_project_id: project_id 
  jira_access_token: access_token 
  jira_email: email_id 
  jira_testcase_flag: Y/N 


  1. Creating feature file:
    Create a folder in the resources name feature and create a feature file in it.

Test scenarios in feature file: 
Write all the Test Scenarios in the feature file itself using the Gherkin language or according to the Cucumber rules. 

Creating step definition file: 
Create the package for the Step Definition and write the Step Definition into it using the Cucumber rules or syntax. 

Test implementation and execution: 
After creating the feature file and the step definition file, the user must pass the package name of the Step Definition with the key “glue_code” and the path of the feature file with the key “feature” in the gemjar-config.yml file. 

  • Note: If the path of the feature file is not passed through gemjar-config.yml file then it will take the feature file from the resources folder by default. 

Getting started with TestNG 

Setting up the project: 
Create a simple Maven Project Using Any IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for example IntelliJ, Eclipse, etc. 

Test implementation and execution: 
After creating the feature file and the step definition file, the user must pass the package name of the Step Definition with the key “glue_code” and the path of the feature file with the key “feature” in the gemjar-config.yml file. 

  • Note: If the path of the feature file is not passed through gemjar-config.yml file then it will take the feature file from the resources folder by default. 

Getting started with TestNG 

Setting up the project: 
Create a simple Maven Project Using Any IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for example IntelliJ, Eclipse, etc. 

Test implementation and execution: 
After creating the feature file and the step definition file, the user must pass the package name of the Step Definition with the key “glue_code” and the path of the feature file with the key “feature” in the gemjar-config.yml file. 

  • Note: If the path of the feature file is not passed through gemjar-config.yml file then it will take the feature file from the resources folder by default. 

Getting started with TestNG 

Setting up the project: 
Create a simple Maven Project Using Any IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for example IntelliJ, Eclipse, etc.