GemPyp Release Notes

[GemPyp] Release Notes – Version [1.0.90b0] 

Release Date: 01 December, 2023 

New Features: 

  1. Multiple XML execution in a single invocation. 
  1. Global variables support across multiple XMLs for a single invocation. 
  1. External Property file support. 
  1. Loop functionality in PypRest. 


  1. Default enter-point to micro service enter-point. 
  1. Default status code of apis to 504. 
  1. Increased default timeout of current and legacy apis from 30 sec to 330 seconds. 
  1. Long log file length handling internally. 
  1. Ease of using variables set on the system. 
  1. Report Formatting to make it more legible. 
  1. Handling incorrect dependency and absent dependency and reflecting the same on the report status i.e., FAIL and ERR respectively. 

Bugs Fixed: 

  1. Long testcases names were giving error while creating log files. 
  1. Legacy Comparison and assertions bugs fixed in PypRest. 
  1. Testcase data was not inserted for incorrect of failed dependency. 

Notes for Users:   

1. Aggregated report for multiple XMLs, thus enhancing organization of large number of testcases. 

2. Addition of levels of variables – GLOBAL and EXTERNAL. 

3. Users can run testcases for multiple values. 

4. Support of long testcases names. 

5. Enhanced Report legibility and experience. 

[GemPyp] Release Notes – Version [1.0.80b0] 

Release Date: 27 October, 2023 

New Features: 

  1. Pytest Integration 
  1. Behave Integration 
  1. Common pytest.ini for plugins and insertion of testcase data in Database. 


  1. Removal of Request file key. 
  1. Refactored file 

Bugs Fixed: 

  1. Multipart form request handling for file attachments. 

[GemPyp] Release Notes – Version [1.0.70] 

Release Date: 19 May, 2023 

New Features: 

  1. Addition of run type and run mode support for Jewel, cicdct tools, autosys tools, jenkins and other scheduling agents. 
  1. Framework will not execute – project not accessible, jewel credentials incorrect. 
  1. Encrypted files created when server is down. 
  1. file for user to run the encrypted json file and insert run details into database including xml, logs, csv. 
  1. Skip column enhancement to skip columns of the tables independently. 


  1. Handling of special characters in tc_run_id. 
  1. Multiline comment support in testcases tags in xml. 
  1. Project and Env will not accept any special charater. 
  1. Updated Snowflake and mongo dependency. 
  1. Updated parameters from lambda and running file will be reflected in gempyp. 

Notes for Users:  

1. Addition of scheduled run details on report. 

2. Securing users execution details on their local system when server is down. 

3. Ease in recovery management when server is down. 

4. User can give multiline comment at testcases level in xml file. 

5. Support for skipping columns from either or both tables. 

6. Project name and environment validations. 

[GemPyp] Release Notes – Version [1.0.60] 

Release Date: 24 March, 2023 

New Features: 

  1. Email Integration  
  1. Poll and wait feature in PypRest module 
  1. Restructured the code of engine file.  
  1. Addition of skip column feature in Data Validator. 


  1. Update the cut out functionality on row level in Data Validator. 
  1. Changes in key names 
  1. Use enter-point to get all the APIs even if the user has not passed the base url.  
  1. Removed local html report if username and bridgetoken are incorrect. 
  1. Refactored code of Data Validator. 
  1. Remove HTML from every step in test steps 
  1. Duplicate keys added in report of Data Validator. 
  1. CSV file instead of Excel file in Data Validator. 
  1. DV algorithm changed with 1 lakh chunk size  
  1. Result csv file duplicate keys are changed in Data Validator. 
  1. Different Database type keys for source and target in Data Validator. 

Bugs Fixed: 

  1. Fixed bug of comparing boolean variables in pyprest. 

Notes for Users: 

  1. Email Integration  
  1. Addition of poll and wait feature in Pyprest module. 
  1. Removed local html report if username and bridgetoken are incorrect.  
  1. Addition of skip column in Data Validator. 
  1. Using CSV files instead of Excel files.