Jira Creation

Jira issue creation hero image


In a project regression, you want to automatically create a jira on the suite/regression failure and the same jira will be marked to done/bug fixed state once the regression passes in future execution. This can be achieved by gempyp by using following tags:

Tag NameTypeField TypeDescription
 String, Single valueOptionalSubscribed user can integrate GemPYP with JIRA. This would create a JIRA ticket in the test suite fails.
 String, Single valueMandatory if jira_email is passedJira Access Token to authenticate JIRA user.
 Integer, Single valueMandatory if jira_email is passedProject ID on of project on JIRA under which ticket will be created
 String, Single valueOptionalTitle for Jira Creation. Default will be the name of suite
 String, comma separatedOptionalJira transition from one stage to another.
        <!--Here brigeToken and User are the jewel credentials-->
        <report-name>Pyprest Scenarios</report-name>
        <JIRA_TITLE>Jira Creation Usecase</JIRA_TITLE>

            <name>Failing Test case</name>
            <category>Scenario Testcase</category>
            <key-check>keys are legacy.meta,legacy.data[0].ids,legacy.data[0].name,response[0].id,response[0].name</key-check>


How to create jira access token.

Step 1: Visit the https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens
Step 2: Create the API Token by clicking the “Create API token” button.