Jira Creation

Jira Creation

Summary: In a project regression, you want to automatically create a jira on the suite/regression failure and the same jira will be marked to done/bug fixed state once the regression passes in future execution. This can be achieved by gempyp by using following tags: Tag NameTypeField TypeDescription String, Single valueOptionalSubscribed user can integrate GemPYP with JIRA. This would create a JIRA ticket in the test suite fails. String, Single valueMandatory if jira_email is passedJira Access Token to authenticate JIRA user. Integer, Single valueMandatory if jira_email is passedProject ID on of project on JIRA under which ticket will be created String, Single valueOptionalTitle for Jira Creation. Default will be the name of suite String, comma separatedOptionalJira transition from one stage to another. <data> <suite> <!--Here brigeToken and User are the jewel credentials--> <project-name>TEST_PY</project-name> <report-name>Pyprest Scenarios</report-name> <environment>prod</environment>…
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API Migration Use case

API Migration Use case

  Background Suppose a monolithic architecture services needs to migrated to microservices architecture. There are numerous apis for that and many apis data are inter-dependent. Data between the services/apis are exchanged. Requirements So to ensure that the microservices apis has data and keys same as of monolithic one and code is capable to intelligent, then there comes numerous scenarios and testcases corresponding to the scenarios. Challenges It becomes difficult to manually check all the scenarios or automate from scratch using python or java scripts. Why Gempyp Even if you use Python/Java Frameworks to automate the scenarios, you won't be able to achieve the level of ease of automation, the time saved while automation, performance metrics of the apis, intelligent inter-dependency handling between testcases, data passing between testcases and many more.…
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