Jewel Release Notes

Release Notes
Release Version – v1.1.5 and v1.1.6  Looking to transform MOM sheets for project status updates to an interactive user interface?    Gemecosystem Jewel introduces Work Minutes. Work Minutes serves as a powerful project management tool, aiming to streamline and simplify the often tedious process of maintaining word documents and Excel sheets for tasks such as our daily status updates to authorities. This feature eliminates the manual effort required for drafting update emails, tracking defaulters, and more. It offers a comprehensive solution to efficiently manage and monitor progress, enhancing the user experience in updating, visualizing status, and data tracking. The versatility of Work Minutes extends to various use cases, including daily standups, retrospectives, book of work, and any data entry tables integral to our daily workflow.  How to use Work Minutes?   Signup as a new user on Jewel or Login if you have…
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Open API

Open API

How to integrate jewel to with your framework  To integrate Jewel reporting and to make use of the numerous services given by jewel, we require the "EnterPoint API," which will provide all of the URLs needed to access Jewel features.    API:-  This API requires jewel username and bridgeToken as the authorization. (Prerequisite: Sign up on Jewel )  And as the response of this API, we will get different API URLs that can be further utilized.  Sample response:   {      "data": {          "jewel-url": "",          "email-api": "",          "test-exe-api": "",          "bucket-file-upload-api": "",          "jira-api": "",          "file-viewer": "",          "bucket-data-upload-api": "",          "suite-exe-api": "",          "azure-api": "",   "pre-signed": ""      },      "message": "1 Record Found",      "operation": "Success"  }  Listed below are the use cases for individual URLs:…
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Getting Started With GemPyp

Getting Started With GemPyp

Requirements Python  ≥ 3.6 pip  Installation Steps to install python on Windows Go to the official Python download page for Windows . Find a stable Python 3 release. Click the appropriate link for your system to download the executable file: Windows installer (64-bit) or Windows installer (32-bit). Open command prompt Check python version - python --version Install PIP using command - python -m pip install pip Check pip version - pip --version Steps to install python on Linux Most of the Linux OS has Python pre-installed. Check python version - python --version If Python is not installed then go to the official Python download page for Linux  Find a stable Python 3 release. Download a source tarball. Open the terminal and Navigate to the directory where python tar file is downloaded. Extract the tar file - tar -xf python-file-name.tar.xz…
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Getting Started With GemJar

Getting Started With GemJar

Introduction: Welcome to GemJar, a powerful tool designed to streamline your testing and automation processes . Whether you're a seasoned engineer or new to automation testing, this guide will help you get up and running your automation with GemJar quickly and efficiently. Creating Your First Test Follow these steps to get started:  Getting started with Cucumber 1. Setting up the project: Create a simple Maven/Gradle Project Using Any IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for example IntelliJ, Eclipse, etc.  Adding dependency to pom.xml:Add latest GemJar Dependency   Add the GemJar dependency into your project: -  Maven  <dependency>   <groupId>com.gemecosystem.gemjar</groupId>   <artifactId>gemjar-core</artifactId>   <version>1.3.5</version> </dependency>    Gradle   testImplementation("com.gemecosystem.gemjar:gemjar-core:1.3.5")    Creating the config file:Create a gemjar-config.yml file in the resources folder. environment: beta project_name: Demo_Project jewel_user: user_name jewel_bridge_token: bridge_token enter_point: report_name: Demo_Report email_report: Y/N email_to: email_id email_cc: email_id console_report: Y/N event_firing: Y/N jewel_screen_shots: Y/N auto_kill: Y/N tags: '@cucumber_tag' glue_code: package path of step definitions gemheal: Y/N browser_options:   - "--incognito"  …
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GemPyp Release Notes

GemPyp Release Notes

Release Notes
[GemPyp] Release Notes - Version [1.0.90b0]  Release Date: 01 December, 2023  New Features:  Multiple XML execution in a single invocation.  Global variables support across multiple XMLs for a single invocation.  External Property file support.  Loop functionality in PypRest.  Enhancements:  Default enter-point to micro service enter-point.  Default status code of apis to 504.  Increased default timeout of current and legacy apis from 30 sec to 330 seconds.  Long log file length handling internally.  Ease of using variables set on the system.  Report Formatting to make it more legible.  Handling incorrect dependency and absent dependency and reflecting the same on the report status i.e., FAIL and ERR respectively.  Bugs Fixed:  Long testcases names were giving error while creating log files.  Legacy Comparison and assertions bugs fixed in PypRest.  Testcase data was not…
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Data Comparison Use Cases

Data Comparison Use Cases

Overview of important tags: 1. source_db and target_db tags Mandatory for Database Comparison. Accepts a single string or dictionary. Values for single string can be “MySQL, PostgreSQL, Snowflake, custom” Dictionary is used for mongoDB where keys are “type, database and collection” where value of type is mongoDB. <source_db>Define type of database or custom</source_db> <target_db>Define type of database or custom</target_db> Example: <source_db>MySQL</source_db> <target_db>Custom</target_db> 2. source_conn and target_conn tags Mandatory for Database Comparison. Accepts a single string or dictionary. We provide database credentials or database connection string. Connection String corresponding to databases For Snowflake - snowflake.connector.connect(user="xxxxxxxxxx",password="xxxxxxxxxx",account="xxxx.ap-south-1",warehouse='COMPUTE_WH',database="SNOWFLAKE_SAMPLE_DATA",schema="TPCH_SF100") For MongoDB - pymongo.MongoClient(host=['mongodb+srv://xxxxxxxx:[email protected]/test'], connect=True) For MySQL - mysql.connector.connect(host='xxxxxxxxx',user='xxxxxxx', password='xxxxxxxxx',database='xxxxxxxxxxx',port=3306) For Postgresql pg8000.connect(host='xxxxxxxxx',user='xxxxxxx', password='xxxxxxxxx',database='xxxxxxxxxxx',port=3306) Scenario 1: Comparison between two tables in similar database <data> <suite> <!--Here brigeToken and User are the jewel credentials--> <project-name>TEST_PY</project-name> <report-name>Data Validation…
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GemPyp Plugin

GemPyp Plugin

Introduction Step into the realm of efficient testing with Gempyp – a robust plugin designed toseamlessly incorporate Behave and Pytest. Say goodbye to the hassle of managing multiple reporting and configuration setups; Gempyp simplifies the testing process, providing an intelligent solution for your testing needs. Getting Started 1. Testcase File Your test case file remains just like other Pytest and behave files. Pytest Test File from testFunction import TestFunction import pytest from gempyp.common import common def test_string_assertion(): assert ("loud noises".upper() == "LOUD NOISES") def test_list_assertion(): assert (list(reversed([1, 2, 3, 4])) == [4, 3, 2, 1]) @pytest.mark.webtest def test_loop_assertion(): assert (37 in { num for num in range(2, 50) if not any(num % div == 0 for div in range(2, num)) }) @pytest.fixture def setup_data(): data = [1, 2, 3, 4,…
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GemJar Plugin

GemJar Plugin

Advantages of Plugin:  Ease of Integration: Integrating plugins into your existing frameworks like Serenity, JUnit, and Cucumber is a breeze. With just a two-step process of adding dependencies and configuring files, you can effortlessly incorporate the advanced features and insightful reporting of our framework into your projects.  Enhanced Functionality: Plugins extend the capabilities of your framework, providing additional features and integrations with other tools. You can leverage these plugins to enhance your testing and reporting capabilities without having to develop them from scratch.  Customization: Enjoy the flexibility to customize plugin functionality according to your project's specific requirements. Tailor the features to suit your needs, making your framework more adaptable and versatile.  Improved Productivity: Save time and effort by utilizing pre-built plugins for popular frameworks. With easy integration, you can boost productivity and accelerate project…
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GemJar Release Notes

GemJar Release Notes

Release Notes
Release Version:1.3.3 Release Date:11-Dec-23 Bug Fixes: Scenario Outline Fix: Test cases with scenario outlines in Serenity projects were previously failing, and the report's stages were missing. The most recent version fixes this problem. Whitespace in Project Names: A problem was found wherein naming a project with white spaces, as "Demo Project 1," resulted in a malfunctioning link for reporting on jewel cases. The latest version has addressed and fixed this. Other Updates: New Entry Points APIs: From the Jewel side, new entry point APIs have been released. The following keys are essential for the creation of Jewel reports in the gemjar.yml file The following are the points of entry: enter_point: (prod) enter_point: (beta) Notes for Users: Jewel Report Flag: A new key, "jewel_report_flag," has been added for Serenity…
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CT integration with CI-CD

CT integration with CI-CD

Automation testing can be done by creating test suites. Gempyp can be used to automate all types of tests for different technologies i.e., unit tests, functional tests, regression tests, smoke tests for technologies like API, UI, Data Comparison and Applications. These test suites can be scheduled to monitor the application functionality, can be integrated into CI/CD to deliver quality released. Continuous Testing using Gempyp CT is the practice of automating and integrating tests into the software delivery chain and automatically executing those tests against each build of the codebase. Jenkins, Gitlab, Github Actions are the few CI/CD applications. Test suites can reside in your development repository and you can integrate these test suites to run in the build pipeline. If the pipeline fails due to the test suites, then those…
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