Open API

Open API

How to integrate jewel to with your framework  To integrate Jewel reporting and to make use of the numerous services given by jewel, we require the "EnterPoint API," which will provide all of the URLs needed to access Jewel features.    API:-  This API requires jewel username and bridgeToken as the authorization. (Prerequisite: Sign up on Jewel )  And as the response of this API, we will get different API URLs that can be further utilized.  Sample response:   {      "data": {          "jewel-url": "",          "email-api": "",          "test-exe-api": "",          "bucket-file-upload-api": "",          "jira-api": "",          "file-viewer": "",          "bucket-data-upload-api": "",          "suite-exe-api": "",          "azure-api": "",   "pre-signed": ""      },      "message": "1 Record Found",      "operation": "Success"  }  Listed below are the use cases for individual URLs:…
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