Jira Creation

Jira Creation

Summary: In a project regression, you want to automatically create a jira on the suite/regression failure and the same jira will be marked to done/bug fixed state once the regression passes in future execution. This can be achieved by gempyp by using following tags: Tag NameTypeField TypeDescription String, Single valueOptionalSubscribed user can integrate GemPYP with JIRA. This would create a JIRA ticket in the test suite fails. String, Single valueMandatory if jira_email is passedJira Access Token to authenticate JIRA user. Integer, Single valueMandatory if jira_email is passedProject ID on of project on JIRA under which ticket will be created String, Single valueOptionalTitle for Jira Creation. Default will be the name of suite String, comma separatedOptionalJira transition from one stage to another. <data> <suite> <!--Here brigeToken and User are the jewel credentials--> <project-name>TEST_PY</project-name> <report-name>Pyprest Scenarios</report-name> <environment>prod</environment>…
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API Migration Use case

API Migration Use case

  Background Suppose a monolithic architecture services needs to migrated to microservices architecture. There are numerous apis for that and many apis data are inter-dependent. Data between the services/apis are exchanged. Requirements So to ensure that the microservices apis has data and keys same as of monolithic one and code is capable to intelligent, then there comes numerous scenarios and testcases corresponding to the scenarios. Challenges It becomes difficult to manually check all the scenarios or automate from scratch using python or java scripts. Why Gempyp Even if you use Python/Java Frameworks to automate the scenarios, you won't be able to achieve the level of ease of automation, the time saved while automation, performance metrics of the apis, intelligent inter-dependency handling between testcases, data passing between testcases and many more.…
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Data Comparison Use Cases

Data Comparison Use Cases

Overview of important tags: 1. source_db and target_db tags Mandatory for Database Comparison. Accepts a single string or dictionary. Values for single string can be “MySQL, PostgreSQL, Snowflake, custom” Dictionary is used for mongoDB where keys are “type, database and collection” where value of type is mongoDB. <source_db>Define type of database or custom</source_db> <target_db>Define type of database or custom</target_db> Example: <source_db>MySQL</source_db> <target_db>Custom</target_db> 2. source_conn and target_conn tags Mandatory for Database Comparison. Accepts a single string or dictionary. We provide database credentials or database connection string. Connection String corresponding to databases For Snowflake - snowflake.connector.connect(user="xxxxxxxxxx",password="xxxxxxxxxx",account="xxxx.ap-south-1",warehouse='COMPUTE_WH',database="SNOWFLAKE_SAMPLE_DATA",schema="TPCH_SF100") For MongoDB - pymongo.MongoClient(host=['mongodb+srv://xxxxxxxx:[email protected]/test'], connect=True) For MySQL - mysql.connector.connect(host='xxxxxxxxx',user='xxxxxxx', password='xxxxxxxxx',database='xxxxxxxxxxx',port=3306) For Postgresql pg8000.connect(host='xxxxxxxxx',user='xxxxxxx', password='xxxxxxxxx',database='xxxxxxxxxxx',port=3306) Scenario 1: Comparison between two tables in similar database <data> <suite> <!--Here brigeToken and User are the jewel credentials--> <project-name>TEST_PY</project-name> <report-name>Data Validation…
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CT integration with CI-CD

CT integration with CI-CD

Automation testing can be done by creating test suites. Gempyp can be used to automate all types of tests for different technologies i.e., unit tests, functional tests, regression tests, smoke tests for technologies like API, UI, Data Comparison and Applications. These test suites can be scheduled to monitor the application functionality, can be integrated into CI/CD to deliver quality released. Continuous Testing using Gempyp CT is the practice of automating and integrating tests into the software delivery chain and automatically executing those tests against each build of the codebase. Jenkins, Gitlab, Github Actions are the few CI/CD applications. Test suites can reside in your development repository and you can integrate these test suites to run in the build pipeline. If the pipeline fails due to the test suites, then those…
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Simplified API Automation 

Simplified API Automation 

Introduction: Codeless API Automation Framework (Java Based Automation Framework) allows users to use the simplicity of Gherkin feature files, eliminating the need for coding for API automation. This innovative tool prioritizes codeless automation, providing a holistic approach to API health with features such as status code analysis, versatile assertions, and effortless data retrieval from nested JSON structures.  Key Features:  Simplified API Automation:  Embrace the simplicity of API automation with minimal knowledge in Coding language   Streamline the testing process, allowing users to focus on results.  Response Validation   Effective Status Code Analysis:  Gain valuable insights into API health through effortless analysis of status codes.  Proactively identify potential issues and discrepancies for efficient problem-solving.  Comprehensive Assertion Operators:  Offers a diverse range of assertions, including equals, not equals, contains, not contains, etc.  Facilitates precise…
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Web UI Automation using GemJar

Web UI Automation using GemJar

Gem Jar (Java Based Automation Framework) transforms web automation complexity with its low-code and advanced features approach. The tool simplifies the automation process, with real time execution progress thereby allowing users to effortlessly monitor and analyze test cases. With user-friendly design catering to all skill levels, the framework stands out with seamless support for TestNG, Cucumber, Junit, and Serenity thereby delivering a robust solution for efficient and unified web automation. Key features of GemJar in Web Automation: 1.Real Time Progression Tracking: Real Time Progress Dashboard provides immediate insights into test execution progress and results, allowing teams to monitor and analyze testing activities more efficiently and effectively. 2.Report Customization: Ability to customize screenshot capture during test execution provides user more power to enhance reporting standards. This feature assists teams in visually…
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